Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Second wave Feminist caught lying again.....on picture

I'm not going to wire a long post here because will take attention from the issue I want to highlight,  today DailyMail ran an article about how women shouldn't feel nostalgia about the "old days" 50s-60s, because of series like Mad Men, women who are the target rating in TV are wanting a "come back" of all old fashioned life style where according to her women do all the child caring while men just go to men-only clubs and drink, she writes:

"Similarly, you would never catch a man changing or washing nappies, or even pushing a pram"  LIZ HODGKINSON

So she used a picture of her family where she, her brother and mother appear walking around in the typical 50s 

so lets quote her again

"Similarly, you would never catch a man changing or washing nappies, or even pushing a pram"  LIZ HODGKINSON

Take a closer look at the picture


Fatherhood, in the 50s? a man pushing a pram, stop the press

There you have it, the same men she says were not doing anything in taking care of children, the same men didn't take responsibility. 

When feminists fall into their own mess

Caught on the act.


  1. Watch this 1895 film by Louis Lumière, who was a pionneer in film making.

    A man spoonfeeding his baby.

    1. Thanks, considering the first father I zoomed is alone the woman/wife/mother was was having some free time, something feminists avoid always.

  2. This is not surprising at all.

    Men have always shared in the duties of taking care of the children.

    What a sexist comment she made....

  3. I'd also like to point out that in the 50's, many women were doctors, dentists etc...

    They had bank accounts, owned land etc.

    The whole article she writes is wrong on so many levels.
