Thursday, September 29, 2011

Why can't women be U.S Navy Seals?


It is a good question, why? if women are so capable of doing anything  that men do even better? well that is the problem women don't do anything men do just because their are women, after the raid that killed Bin Laden, the SEAL became a icon of the american army, who are these soldier? or better question who are these men? what? didn't you know that women are not allow to became SEALs? well look the requirements here:

  • be an active-duty member of the U.S. Navy
  • be a man (women aren't allowed to be Navy SEALs)
  • be 28 or younger (although waivers for 29- and 30-year-olds are possible)
  • have good vision -- at least 20/40 in one eye and 20/70 in the other (corrective surgery is also possible)
  • be a U.S. citizen
  • pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB)
  • Pass a stringent physical screening test that includes the following procedure: swim 500 yards in 12.5 minutes or less, followed by a 10-minute rest; do 42 push-ups in under two minutes, followed by a two-minute rest; do 50 sit-ups in under two minutes, followed by a two-minute rest; do six pull-ups, followed by a 10-minute rest; run 1.5 miles in boots and long pants in less than 11.5 minutes.

Yahoo Answer is a good source for this kind of questions, of course  remember who is writing is not always a MENSA member, but you have a question with a awesome and epic answer and amazing citation you cant not pay attention and run the voice.

The user  kristin asked 4 years ago (before Bin Laden raid) 

Why can't women be U.S Navy Seals?

If they are strong enough and commited enough, why can't they even try out??

And the answer by the user Geoff C  who was in the army give the better and awesome answer ever:

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

1st becuase women are not allowed in direct combat roles.

2nd women are not required to sign up for the selective service. Get ALL women on board with the fact that they might get drafted into a combat role if the draft is re instituted (not just the one's wanting to be seals) then you might have an issue.

3rd Women's Physical fitness requirements are not the same meaning they dont have to do the same thing as men or as fast as men to achieve the same score on the test. When all women are required to compete with men on a even playing field then it could be an issue, but I bet most women dont want their scores to be judged for doing the same fitness test as men, they would fall behind on the scores and it would affect their promotion chances since those scores play into promotion boards.

4) women have hygiene problems that men dont. Not just the monthly but yeast infections and a lot of other things. on missions that seals do you often dont have the time or ability to keep clean this would cause problems on missions.

ADDITION: There has always been the women are as strong as men argument, yet if we took away the segragation just in sports alone and no longer had men's/woman's track, Basketball, baseball, tennis, and so on.

There wouldnt be a woman in the record books. There wouldnt be women in sports.

Why is it OK for women to have a gym that only allows women to join, but women always want to crash an all male program stating discrimination?

Women dont want equal rights they want special rights. I bet if you polled the women around the country and asked if they would be willing to be drafted so a few women could try out for the seals it would get a resounding no.

Take a look at the chart in the link below and see how women get more time on the run to achieve the same score as a man who did it faster how they are not required to do pull ups. Yet they get the same score which goes towards your promotion consideration.

Here he encounters the user Kali who say this:
I think that this is all crap. Sorry but it is. I am a female athlete that has out run most men my age and oer through out high school. I trained with guys because it makes me a better female competitor. As for the whole bit about a woman not being able to drag a man that wieghs 200 plus is not right either. I know personally i can squat 250 with no problems. I am not bragging or anything but i am just proving that a woman could do it. As for the periods out on the field they do have shot, and other means so you dont have your period as much(4 times in 1 year). And the bra breaking, obviously you havent heard of sports bra's. Guys get PMS also its just called something else so dont give me that crap. Why do you think that there are woman body builders now...because we can get just as strong as a guy. Oh and about the stuff that a man might look at a girl as a sex object for when they are deployed for long periods of time, thats not our falt that guys cant keep thier head on the job. Thats why they train you to never lose your bearings. Why else would you go through all that training. I think that woman should be able to be in those fields if they could pass the same standerds as men. Men need to get over the fact about 'male jobs' bcause that day is long gone! I dont want to offend any one i just think that a woman is just as good as a guy if they trained hard enough and put thier mind to it.
My coach for running is the third best runner in the world, and can out do many many males because she trains to win. Many other woman i know that have passed males. Sorry but we are just as good.

ADDITION: kali so what you are saying is we should make special exceptions for the few women who can keep up with men? The other women should be allowed to take PFT tests that are sub standard to what the men do? The amount of women that could stay in the military would drop drastically if they had to meet the men's standard. Why should we let one woman obtain something saying women are just as good while allowing other women to get by doing less. Either women are just as good or they are not.

I doubt your female coach is the 3rd best runner in the world as no female runner has finished with a time ahead of the 3 top men's time. She might be the 3rd best female runner.

If we took the top 3 scores/times from every event in running there would not be a woman in any of them. I agree there are some and I mean some women who could physically do the job, but they would be the exception to the rule. Why should we make special rules for the few who can. If you want equality then it needs to be across the board, All women sign up for selective service to be drafted to combat positions. All women in the military must preform the same PFT test the men do with the same standards any not making the cut are out. That is equal.

How many women do you think would go for that? Not many... just the few who could do it.

By the way it isnt just the men that have a problem with the sec issue the women do to. They come back pregnant and they didnt get that way by keeping their bearings.

By the way I am glad you can run around a track really fast, but the fact that you said that tells me you have no idea what military combat is like or what it takes. Try doing it when you havent showered in 20 days in full gear boots helmet, pack, weapon oh yeah and 2 hours sleep over the last 4 days and someone is shooting at you.

Then there is the emotional end of it. two male friends get mad at each other and they punch each other next day they are having a beer together and friends again. Two women get mad at each other becuase one said they didnt like the others hair and you have a 2 week fued then 3 days of having to talk it out and crying.

BY THE WAY, you said your running coach is the 3rd best runner in the world and can out run many males becuase she trains to win. Well if what you were saying was true then she wouldnt out run many men she would out run all but 2...

By the way before I was wounded in Iraq I use to run a lot never finished 1st in the races I entered but did ok. There were people that finished ahead of me, but they were the 90 pounders who couldnt carry me to saftey if I needed it.

I was glad when I got shot there was a couple of 190lbs Marines to get me out of there when I needed it.

Before you expect people to accept you can do something you need to prove it to them that you can. Women need to 1st champion the idea to get all military, Police & Firefighting PFT test to be equal. After you guys do that and show you can consitantly keep up with the men then you can ask for consideration for the other things.

Bet if you polled the women in the country, heck even just the women in the military to see if they wanted their standards raised to be the same as the men's and if they couldnt meet the standards they were out and if they scored low their promotions would be held up. I bet you wouldnt get many yes votes.

PLEASE LOOK AT THE LINKS BELOW, explain to me how the fastest female runner in each event never even beats the number 10 male runner in any of the events yet your coach is some how ranked 3rd in the world?

The places where women serve in combat such as russia during WW2 and other examples are places where life is hard on everyone growing up, Growing up in the soviet union as a woman was much different than growing up as a woman in america. The other countries that used them were countries that had been at war for many many decades and needed to use woman to subsidise their male counterparts to keep from having an entire generations gender wiped out. Like Vietnam who was at war for over 4 decades almost continusly and Israel who has been at a defacto war for over 5 decades.

By the way their are women body builders becuase steriods were widley accepted for the most part. That is the reason most male body builders are around too.

Women are too offended by vulgar talk which is a life sustaining thing in combat units. There would be more time spent at NJP and court martials than fighting if women went to line units. What would you do if a man called you the "C" word? Would it offend you? Yes is the answer but we call each other the equivalent on a daily basis its just how it is and no one gets their panties in a bunch becuase none of us have panties....get it Kali!


After this awesome answer I  decided to make a article about this man and his experience, I know women who can run more that me but this same women couldn't lift what I lift at the gym even I'm out of shape right now.

Next time a woman tells you there are bodybuilder women who are stronger that a average man remember this video of Jill Mills (the stronger woman in the world) being beating by a average man:

Friday, September 23, 2011

The bubble of independent women

The majority of women this days see themselves as independent, tough, powerful and maybe super heroes, and if you ask them about it the first thing they say is "I don;t need a men to take care of me", "I don;t need a man to buy me what I want" and the philosophy "I support myself".

In the old days when women specially young girls in their teens started to think about men they thought about childrens, house, husband, cooking, cleaning etc, they looked for the best man, and men were responsible for the whole family, there weren't welfare, medicaid, shelter, feminist, special laws to protect them because that was the dad's job then was the husband's job, women had all the protection they needed in the men of their life, if there were money problem, the man was responsible, the young boys were responsible for the family in father's absent, not matter if he is the younger child in the family, especially if the father went to war, in case when the only boy died  was a problem for the family because he was suppose take the dad's place.

How many women wanted to do this? no one, so they are not oppressed they were where they had to.

Women had the duty of keeping everything in order at home, they were not oppressed, they were bored, women didn't work like men because they didn't need to, the jobs were pretty awful, I'm not talking about computers playing solitary, receptionist or childcare, it's construction work without safety, there were not easy job this days, a women barely could work on a farm, the women life was, what I call "you have what you need and you are where you have to" and was the same for men working as a welder walking on a thin metal beam at a 34th floor .

Today women have their own laws, shelter just for women, only-women gym, only-women business meeting and they are happy with that, the portrait of women like victim of men, government "controlled  by men" business "controlled by men" etc by feminist made women angry, men special white nights felt guilty, no individual can have independence being treaty like a victim, women today can get pregnant smoke and she will be the victim of her addiction if the father denounced her he will have "violated" her rights according to the government , but remember it is the "best interest of the child", you can have consensual sex at night with a woman and she can deny it in the morning, the system had become so corrupted that see father disposable, but the root is feminism, giving women special care, special laws, and more income in a lot of ways like child support, alimony, make women more dependent of men that they don't know: taxpayer.

The government doesn't have money by their own, they take the money from taxpayer so they can support every law for "victims", shelters, courts, and more money for feminist means more votes, women today believe they can support themselves when they live from welfare for every child, are portrayed like victim, when they really become more dependent of the system and the work, women don't have the choice of stay at home or work, and that was supposed to be the feminism goal, ask any women no matter if she is single mom or not, 
if you had the opportunity to choose work or stay at home looking  after children and and your husband earns enough to support all of you would you work?

You'll get a big not, most of the women don't chose to work, they need to work, they don;t have the choice that was supposed to be about feminist goal. that is why women are more unhappy that men in the workplace, because they are symbolical being forced to do something they don't want to. 

When you encounter a single mom and she tell you she is independent just because she don't need a man, ask her how much child support she receives and about welfare of every child, of course she will feel uncomfortable, but  pseudo independent women are the first to start talking about what she thinks she doesn't need but the question about what she need to live.

Women are being taught to show up all her power to everyone, that is why TV show and movies about women being "powerful" like Sex and the city are big rating among women, women don't want to see the true when men are the builder of every brick in NY, they want to see a woman kicking a man's testicle if he doesn't want to marry her.

Remember this:No individual can have independence being treaty like a victim

Thursday, September 22, 2011

This is the prove why feminist don't care about men

When people special on internet tell me that I don't understand what feminist is really about, they give me two websites so I can "understand" feminism, and this two are suppose to make me understand.

First thing I do when I go to new site as a MRAs  is go and search about male issue, why? because that is a taboo in our society, if you speak about fathers's right you will pass like a child abuser, so when I went to a feminist site I do the same and my point is that they fight for equality  and just care about women interest, is hypocrisy.

Women have more rights,privileges and benefits that men don't, men have responsibility that women don't, like Selective Service System and state this:

Under current law, all male U.S. citizens are required to register with Selective Service within 30 days of their 18th birthday. In addition, foreign males between the ages of 18 and 25 living in the United States must register.

Lets put this straight, the SSS is the DRAFT with a fancy name, is not what I say, the SSS official web site is very clear, the idea behind this is in case of emergency in the event of a national emergency and to be prepared to implement an Alternative Service Program for registrants classified as conscientious objectors. or if you are a man you are going to to war even if you don't want to.

When we talk about why women are not  require to sing up the supreme court stand:
The constitutionality of excluding women was tested in the courts. A Supreme Court decision in 1981, Rostker v. Goldberg, held that registering only men did not violate the due process clause of the Constitution.

So send a group to war due to their gender not violet the constitution, is like not allow women register a bank account or get a loan not violate their rights because men earn more, spend less(specially on themselves ) and have more skill investing, that is why men are the majority of investor, is not sexism,  it is a fact.

Well in the feminist site I get nothing related to male issue. 

I have the prove of right here

Search for "Fathers's right"

But when you look for something they care even if it is a big lie like "pay gap" you get this give me something I didn't expected, when you search for "Selective Service System"  you get nothing about it but in the comments there are two people that in different topics, the threats, a women make a good point and is the only reference that exist with a answer that NOW believe is enough for the problem.

 Two only two
The woman ask why feminist don't for SSS for women
And the NOW answer is...
NOW on SSS: that NOW opposes the reinstatement of registration and draft for both men and women. NOW's primary focus on this issue is on opposition to registration and draft. However, if we cannot stop the return to registration and draft, we also cannot choose between sisters and brothers. We oppose any registration or draft that excludes women as an unconstitutional denial of rights to both young men and women. And we continue to oppose all sex discrimination by the volunteer armed services. 

They have two option here:
They fight for women being forced to the SSS or they fight for men not being forced to the SSS. But they don't do any of this so is like saying, in the 50s a organisation of white people about discrimination against racial profiling  "we are against blacks not being allowed to take a seat at the bus but we wont do anything to stop it"

Search for "Fathers's right"

So next time a feminist tell you to visit this "wonderful" sites so you can see the true about feminist remember this, that is a trick they tend to use to complain about your "lack" in gender issue.

Hello my fellow MRA

This blog is dedicate for men and their rights and focus on the discrimination against men, the hypocrisy  of feminist.

We hope to bring the true out and the lies on male-dominated-society, oppression on women for thousand of years.